Here are the basics I covered:


  • Variable Declaration: let var_name = value;
  • Immutable Binding: let x = 5;
  • Mutable Binding: let mut y = 10;
  • Constants: const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
  • Printing: println!("Hello, world!");

Data Types

  • Integer: i32, u32, i64, u64
  • Floating Point: f32, f64
  • Boolean: bool
  • Character: char
  • Tuple: (i32, f64, u8)
  • Array: [i32; 5] (fixed size)
  • Slice: &[i32] (reference to a contiguous sequence)

Control Flow

  • if expression: if condition { } else { }
  • loop: loop { }
  • while loop: while condition { }
  • for loop: for item in iterable { }
  • match: match value { pattern => { /* code */ } }


  • Declaration: fn function_name(param: Type) -> ReturnType { }
  • Calling: function_name(arg)


  • Ownership Rules: Each value in Rust has a variable that’s called its owner.
  • Borrowing: & (immutable) and &mut (mutable)
  • Lifetimes: Ensures that borrowed references are valid.

Error Handling

  • Result: Result<T, E> for functions that might fail.
  • panic!: Macro to cause the program to crash and display a message.


  • Declaration: struct MyStruct { field1: Type, field2: Type }
  • Instance: let instance = MyStruct { field1: value1, field2: value2 };


  • Declaration: enum MyEnum { Variant1, Variant2 }
  • Instance: let instance = MyEnum::Variant1;


  • Declaration: trait MyTrait { /* methods */ }
  • Implementing: impl MyTrait for Type { /* method implementations */ }


  • Declaration: mod module_name { /* module contents */ }
  • Using: use module_name::item_name;

Unsafe Rust

  • Unsafe Block: unsafe { /* unsafe code */ }

Useful Tools

  • Cargo: Rust’s package manager and build system.
  • Rustfmt: Code formatter.
  • Clippy: Linter for Rust code.